I'm Having Anxiety Talking About Anxiety! 😱

Hi Pumpkin! 

I know last week I popped in talking about new beginnings and the underbelly that comes up with those. An opportunity for a fresh start can bring both excitement and also huge bouts of anxiety and pressure. The panic of being perfect and β€œgetting it right” can sometimes be present. So with a new year, a full moon and almost 2 years of a global pandemic; stress can surely ensue. So many of us are feeling contracted in our bodies and minds. Some are feeling exhausted, hopeless and defeated. 

This week, I vulnerably shared a podcast episode on my journey with anxiety. If you know me, you know I am perfectionist ham sandwich that likes to make my podcast insightful but jam packed with entertainment. This week it felt so disingenuous to be a showman; I had to bring me, my realness and what was up for me. There is a HUGEEEE percentage of the population that suffers from anxiety, and yet; we rarely speak about it. Anxiety can impact people differently and it’s important to both have awareness and normalize this topic. 

IDK about you, but for me my anxiety journey has always ebbed and flowed. At times it was unbearable with self sabotage city happening and at other times, a quiet hum in the background. Scrolling back through so many life events, I see that I was consistently in a state of fear. Like I said, some times it was debilitating and sometimes it was just low level panic. Over the years of doing this work, something that got me back to my center was continuously asking myself: β€œAm I leading with love or am I leading with fear?” If I was leading with fear, how can I gently come back to love. I talked about this on the pod, but a huge component of anxiety reduction for me was having faith. Go with me on this journey real quick, but for me faith looked like believing in something bigger than me. This can look like your traditional old man with a white beard in the sky, goddess energy, angels, your cat fluffy, the universe, your highest self… WHATEVER. But, I needed to believe that there was something beyond the stress and panic. That there was hope for something brighter.

I have a mantra that I say daily and sometimes it feels wild when the world is burning around me, but it’s a simple one, it is: β€œIt is all working, I am safe, I protected. What is for me will not pass me.” Believing that this or something better can exist helps me loosen my grip on my relationship, money and things I want to control out of fear. My β€œspiritual” invitation is can you get behind the idea that you’re not alone and isolated? Maybe you are deeply spiritual and consider yourself woo woo, if so; can you get behind the universe having a bigger plan for you? If that’s not your jam: maybe it’s just knowing you have someone or something  in your corner that sees you and is cheering you on. When you are supported, you don't feel you need to suffocate and control everything. If you don’t already have that person in your life, I am happy to be that gal for you. I am with you, and you are not alone <3

Oh and hey! You can listen to my podcast HERE(Or on the podcast page.)


You can book a session with me HERE!

Love You, Erica 

Erica Wiederlight